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Sight Page 6

  “I told you it’s nothing for you to worry about,” Sebastian replied.

  “Catrin, what will happen to him?”

  “Catrin,” commanded Sebastian holding his sister’s arms.

  Pulling away Catrin, freed one arm from his grasp. Still standing a few inches away from him, her eyes remained glued to him.

  “Death,” she replied defiantly. Releasing her other arm from his grip, she turned, walking out of the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone. Before disappearing through the door, Catrin had thought something. Life for life, flashed in her thoughts as if she knew Arel would be listening in.

  Arel sat at the counter, looking off into the distance where Catrin had stood moments ago. Her appetite gone, she stared at the still half-full glass composing her thoughts. She could feel Sebastian slide next to her sitting, in the empty stool.

  “Arel, I doubt they will request my death,” whispered Sebastian.

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Iliad broke the pact first. If my death is demanded, Iliad’s life would be required as well.”

  “What would keep them from doing that?”

  “Iliad is Marcus’ only child, the last of the Marc’s. We have already lost two families; we cannot afford to lose another.”


  “Arel, finish your breakfast,” he pleaded.

  Dutifully she lifted the cold green liquid to her mouth, forcing the last of it down her throat. Handing the empty glass to Sebastian, she sat quietly waiting for him.

  “Is Eir still here,” Arel asked.

  “I believe she is resting.”

  “Oh, I wanted to spend some more time with her.”

  Eir had been kind, answering her questions and explaining the purpose behind their laws. Determined, she would seek advice from Eir on how she could save Sebastian.

  “I’ll let her know.”

  “Any plans for today,” she asked, looking up at him.

  Resting his long arms on the counter, he leaned over, kissing Arel on her lips. Smiling, her hand raised to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. Lifting her up, he drew her into his arms, holding her. Wrapping her legs around him, she pressed her body into his. Sebastian carried Arel up to the stairs, down the hall into their bedroom.

  Sebastian placed Arel on the bed, resting her head on the pillows. His arms grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head. Arel’s chest heaved up and down as Sebastian removed her clothing. Anticipation chased her beating heart; he still had a way of making her chest quiver even if she had been upset with him moments ago. Her arms reached towards him, pulling his waist into her, she welcomed him. With legs wrapped around his waist, she embraced him, moaning, falling into his touch.

  The sun had begun to set, painting the horizon deep red hues of crimson glory. The evening sky warm and glowing peeked into the darkening room. Spent Arel laid on the bed, her head resting on his chest, listening. Sebastian caressed her hair, brushing it behind her ear. It had been his habit, trying to corral her unruly curls into submission. Unsuccessfully he would push the loose strands only to have it fall back over her shoulder, partly covering her eye.

  “Can we stay in bed the rest of the day,” she asked giggling at the struggle between Sebastian and her curls.

  “You need to eat.”

  “It hasn’t been that long since I ate. I’m not hungry.”

  “I want you to eat before we go to the tribunal. Catrin has informed me that we will soon be summoned to appear. The other members have already arrived and are currently being briefed on the situation,” said Sebastian.

  “How do you know?”

  “I sensed when they arrived, I can also hear them."

  Pulling her closer, he kissed the top of her head before rising from the bed. Turning over on her side, Arel watched him a few more minutes before sitting up. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Arel's legs dangled, brushing up against the side of the mattress. The bottom of her feet tickled by the fibers of the carpet as she brushed against it. Heading into the large walk-in closet, she paused in front of the full-length mirror examining her changing physique.

  “I don’t know what to wear.”

  “Something simple, reserved. Something you’re comfortable in.”

  “Maybe Catrin should pick something for me to wear,” she suggested staring blankly at the array of clothes. Her arms at her side rose slightly towards a dress before dropping again at her waist. She hesitated a few more times before turning towards Sebastian, it wasn’t that she cared what she wore. It was more so that she wanted to seem like she fit in for Sebastian’s sake.

  “What you wear isn’t as important as what you don’t say.”

  “Well, what shouldn’t I say?”

  “You should be yourself. Listen to what the council has to say."

  It was no secret to her that Sebastian was dodging the question; he often changed the subject when she asked him certain things. Arel couldn’t tell if his evasion was to spare her feelings or some ulterior motive she hadn’t figured out.

  On more than one occasion, she heard the fears of the others loud and clear in regards to their thoughts about her. She didn’t have to read Sebastian's mind to assume he hinted at her abilities, the ones they knew about and the ones she kept secret even from him. The fact she was a Darken wouldn’t be helped if the others knew just what she could do.

  “Then we should head to the shower since we have been summoned.”

  “After you beautiful,” said Sebastian.

  Arel grabbed his hand, leading him towards the bathroom. Inside the large shower, the warm water drenched her loose curls as her head leaned back under its forceful flow. With closed eyes, she slid entirely under the cascading shower, listening to its soothing sounds. Sebastian watched her smiling as her tanned body glistened under the clear stream. Moving in closer to her, partially under the water, he cupped her arched back with his hand pulling her into him. Arel’s body bent, moving towards his touch, opening her eyes, she looked up at him. Mouth puckered; she tilted her head up towards his lips, closing her eyes as her hand trailed the lines of his body.

  His lips pressed down on hers as he lifted her up to him. Opening his mouth, his tongue caressed the outline of her lips, his canines extended as he licked his way towards her neck. A chill traveled down her spine, uncontrollably she shook under the steaming vapors of the shower. Sebastian released his grip, closing his mouth he planted her firmly on her feet.

  Arel pulled in closer to him brushing her bare breasts against his chest. Arching her head towards him, she opened her mouth, waiting for the soft press of his lips. Standing on her tiptoes, she leaned forward, rising on one leg as she wrapped it around his waist anticipating the thrust of his torso. Sebastian kissed her firmly on the lips as he lifted her up off the ground before returning her to her standing position.

  “They are waiting for us,” he whispered.

  Arel brushed her breast up against Sebastian as she stretched her hand behind him, feeling for the knob. Turning the water off, she waited for him to pass her the towel. Clutched in his hand, he brushed the soft fibers, against her throbbing chest. Trailing her thigh, he worked down her leg and again. Sebastian moved the towel over and down the opposite leg, up her thigh watching her. He lingered as he dried off her firm round breasts with the towel before quickly drying her belly.

  Taking a cue from him, she slid the sheet from his grasp as she pushed her bare chest into him, wiping his arms and chest. Kneeling, her hair brushed up against his groin as she dried both his legs before gently drying his groin. Feeling his rise to the occasion, she stood up, wrapping the towel around her body.

  “Well, let’s not keep them waiting,” replied Arel smiling. Turning away she opened the shower door, stepping over the threshold, her hair dripping down her back. In front of the bathroom door, Arel turned to glance over her shoulder, expecting to see Sebastian still standing in the shower. Startled, she let out a small giggle as he lifted her off the ground i
nto his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck, her wet hair flung over his shoulder as she leaned into his exposed towel less body.

  Arel’s eyes lit up when they reached the bed, someone had taken time to layout clothing for her and Sebastian. Above the bench on a hook hung a pressed soft blue buttoned-down shirt, gray and blue speckled socks, and gray slacks for Sebastian. On the floor under his clothing, a polished black pair of leather loafers waited. His informal attire void of jacket and tie, made her wonder if it was as a formal occasion as she believed. His attitude made her wonder if she was placing too much importance on the night's events. His outfit, although polished, seemed too casual for what she thought the tribunal was going to be about.

  On the opposite side of the bench hung a dress embroidered with mini pale blue flowers for Arel. A pair of embroidered shoes waited on the floor. The pale mini flowers matched the flowers on the dress. As Arel picked them up, she could see the shoes were hand-stitched with a silk lining. Arel adored them, they were similar to the embroidered clothing Eir wore, which made her wonder if the old woman had anything to do with the choices. They were not in Catrin’s style, but she assumed her sister in law had laid out the items. Dutifully Arel dressed, slipping the dress over her head before moving into the shoes.

  Fully dressed Sebastian headed towards the large bedroom door leading to the hall. Arel quickly hurried toward him, slipping her hand into his.

  “When are we going to have that tour you promised?”

  Smiling, Sebastian turned around, looking at Arel. “We’re heading down to the tribunal, and you’re looking for a tour.”

  “If there isn’t anything to worry about, what does it matter if we take a little tour?”

  “We shouldn’t be late. I promise a tour afterward; I’ll show you the whole estate.”

  “Alright. Let’s go answer some questions,” said Arel. Sebastian led her through the doorway into the brightly lit hallway.

  “This way,” he said, turning left out of the room instead of the usual right. Arel had not noticed how large the hallway was on the other occasions as Sebastian led her from their bedroom to another part of the house. Although Sebastian had never told her not to explore the rest of the house, she had never attempted to traverse the estate alone. Knowing the feelings of the others in the house, she felt it was just better for her to stay by his side or in their room for the few occasions he would go out. Now in this new part of the house, Arel studied the details along the way to the tribunal. Along the green velvet wallpapered walls hung small portraits framed in ornate gold frames. Slowly walking past, Arel studied each picture in the frame. Spread out along the hallway, a set four doors before the corridor came to an end.

  “Who are they?”

  “Members of the family who have gone on from this life.”

  Up ahead, at the end of the hallway, a passageway led to another long corridor. A large doorway at the end of the hall led to another unexplored room. Hanging above the door frame, a small family crest. Arel tried to remember the escutcheons she had seen at the wedding, but she couldn’t place the one above the door.

  Turning right the velvet-lined hall opened up to a wood-paneled corridor Sebastian led her down. The gallery, void of decoration or pictures, held only bare walls and a few vintage wall sconces framing a set of large doors on both sides. Sebastian opened the door to the right, revealing a sizeable ornate library lit by more ornate sconces and a large chandelier in the center of the room. Old looking leather large books lined the numerous two-story bookshelf lined room. A wood window seat big enough for five sat on the opposite side of the room filled with cushions and pillows.

  “Come on,” he said, smiling as he intertwined his hands in Arel’s.

  “Another library? I thought we were going to the tribunal?”

  “This library is special. It holds a secret.” Sebastian smiled down at Arel the light flickering off his canines.

  “What secret would that be,” she asked, looking around at the hundreds of books.

  “Passages have been hidden throughout the house. Secret rooms.”

  “Sebastian, did your other house have a secret passageway?”


  “I remember it. It led to a dungeon?”

  “I wouldn’t call it a dungeon,” he chuckled. “It did lead to a series of tunnels beneath the house, opening up at the edge of the property. Father made sure all of the houses had multiple ways of escape, in case it was needed.”

  “Have you had to use them before?”

  “As children, we would play games on them. At times we would use a passageway or two to return from hunting. We have never used them to escape to safety. What else have you remembered?”

  “A few things here and there. It just came to me standing here in front of the bookcase, kind of like a scene I watched.”

  They stood in front of a large bookcase along a wall on the right side of the room. A cool breeze brushed the side of Arel’s face, the air filled with the light smell of peonies. Looking around, she saw no open windows and wondered where the wind had come from. Sebastian seemed unfazed by the floral fragrance and breeze; deciding not to ask him about it, she remained quiet.

  “To open the passage, pull back this book,” he said. His hand reached for a green leather-backed book with gold writing. The bookcase slid back and to the right before disappearing into the wall, revealing a hidden winding staircase.

  Arel stood in front of the opening peering down the darkened hall. A look of confusion and worry framed her face as she stared at the stone steps. The passage looked much older than the house as if it belonged in another day and time.

  “Is this the way everyone took,” she asked.

  “No, only the immediate members of the family know about this passage. Five members know about the passage, Eir, Father, Catrin, myself, and now you know of these exits, they are a guarded secret. Not even Viktor knows about the passages. This is one of four, each originates from a different part of the house, opening up at the separate edges of the property. This exit leads to the edge of the orchard, a separate turn leads to where the tribunal is taking place.”

  Stepping in front of Arel, Sebastian grabbed her hand, heading onto the first step of the staircase. As the pair moved onto the stone steps, the path lit up ahead of them, illuminating the darkness before them. With her free hand, she reached out, brushing up against the stone walls; it’s smooth almost flowing feel glistened under her touch. Stopping, she fully leaned her hand against it, allowing its energy to flow through her. Surprised at its warmth, she tugged at Sebastian who stood staring at her.

  “It’s warm.”

  “Arel we have to continue on,” he said as he stepped down to the next stair.

  At the end of the stairs, Arel again stopped before moving on, planting her feet firmly in place. Releasing Sebastian’s hand, she waited for him to face her, to offer an explanation as to why he had shown her this secret way.

  “Do you remember the way?”

  “Why are you showing me this? Am I in danger,” she asked concern in the tone of her voice. Her hand resting on Sebastian’s arm, she waited for him to explain.

  “No, there is no danger to you. This passage is the closest to our room. Left down the green corridor, right down the wood-paneled corridor, into the library and down the stairs. Do you remember the book?”

  “Yes, but if I’m not in danger, why does it seem so important to you that I memorize the escape route?”

  “No one here will harm you, but if there is a need for you to flee, you must know all the ways you can do so.”

  “Who would I need to run away from, Sebastian?”

  “No one, of course.”

  “No one here, so someone coming?”

  “I didn’t mean to alarm you. Come, let us continue.”

  Standing in front of the wall, he turned slightly pointing down the corridor.

  “If you continue the path ahead, it will lead you to the edge of the property.

  “Okay, but I don’t see any other way to go,” replied Arel, confused as to why they stood in front of the stone wall.

  “Close your eyes.”

  Obediently Arel closed her eyes, listening to the sounds around her.

  “Feel the breeze?”

  “No,” she answered, opening her eyes about to question him as to the purpose of this exercise.

  “Try harder. Close your eyes. Feel the air up ahead, smell the air. How does it smell different?”

  “It doesn’t. I don’t have super smell or hearing.”

  “Stand here,” he said, placing her feet facing the pathway. Gliding her hand along the wall towards a wall sconce. “Do you feel that?”

  “Yes, it’s the light.”

  “Feel above it, pushing like this.”

  With her eyes still closed, she frowned, tracing her hand along the wall again. Eyes wide opened she half-expected the passageway to be dark and filled with spiders and webs. It was a clean stone-lined hallway lighted with the same sconces in the wood-paneled hall leading to the library.

  “Sebastian, wouldn’t it have been quicker to show me the light and tell me to press here?”

  “You shouldn’t only rely on your sight. There will be times you will need to use your other senses.”

  “Okay,” she replied, shaking her head in agreement.

  “When we get inside the room, I don’t want you to be worried. My father will be there. Marcus will be there as well; he is the keeper of the laws. Eight other members on the tribunal, all elders representing various houses will listen to the evidence brought up. They may ask questions as well. Ramla is one of the members of the law keepers, she is important. You must be careful what you say in her presence.”

  “Okay, but why?”

  “Ramla has a residence inside of the Darken city. She spends a great deal of time with them. I did not know they would have called her to the tribunal.”

  “Can she be trusted?”

  “Despite her being the liaison between the Vampires and the Darken, she has always remained faithful to her blood. There has never been a question of her being trustworthy. Just be careful what you say.”